Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Payroll Tax Holiday and how Washington has disagreed to disagree.

The Payroll Tax Holiday and how Washington has disagreed to disagree.
This is interesting, usually a double negative equals a positive, like “I do not disapprove” means that you do approve. If you look at the statement “disagree to disagree” this, however, is not the case. What I see is a perpetual black hole of disagreement that goes on and on ad infinitum. This unfortunately represents the current status of our Federal Government. What follows is just another observation and example of this phenomenon and a further argument for another political “Common Sense” Party, or at least some moderate, centrist, independent, logical, non partisan, thought process in the system. My friend Winemkr is fond of saying “vote um out of office”. While I agree that the voting booth is our ultimate remedy, I would prefer not to resort to the “Lesser of two evils”. Call me selfish, but really think we deserve something better than that!

Personally I think that the  republican party's position against the Obama administration’s request to extend the payroll tax holiday is analogous to refusing bandages after an auto accident to stop the bleeding (and maybe save your life) because that doesn't include sutures, antibiotics and cosmetic surgery so that you end up just as good as new. Apparently some opponents just don't cater to the old adage "never let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Has not the corner stone of republican policy been tax reduction? Is not one of the fundamental tenants of fiscal conservatism to reduce the tax burden on every aspect of working America? Does not that policy extend across the spectrum from large corporate America, to mid and small size business, to high, middle and low income workers? Is it not universally accepted among them that a reduced tax burden will stimulate private spending, thus increase demand and reduce supply, thus increase production, thus promote hiring and reduce unemployment, thus increase demand for raw materials, and so on and so forth??? Now, in macroeconomic terms, I agree with this general line of thinking. The Federal Government has historically (make that NEVER) used or spent money as efficiently as the private sector*, and a global free market system, with the proper regulations has resulted in a better standard of living across the board for all Americans. This is provided that the federal government maintain (through proper regulation) a "fair and level playing field", and they do spend appropriately on education, infrastructure, and R & D. Yea, yea, I Realize that it's not that simple and I certainly don't intend to insult anyone by presenting basic   eco101 (however it oft seems that many of our elected officials were smoking in the boys room during their basic economy classes).

What’s important here though is that this argument is yet another example of the extreme partisan divide which I view as a serious flaw in Political function (or dysfunction as the case may be) in our current legislature. I have been commenting on this issue a wee bit since we started this blog and this dysfunction led to the idea of a Common Sense Party.  I would say this represents the epitome of this nonsense in the fact that the republicans are actually arguing against the very thing they have so vehemently argued reduction! I hate to say it but I think things have gotten so low, so visceral, so polarized that it really doesn't matter what the other guy says.Every member is just hitting the "Auto - Against" button.

I know this is not anywhere near the package of spending reductions and tax cuts republicans want. I am aware this is indeed temporary, and the opposition says "this is just a tax rebate, we never do tax rebates" WTF…. Bush gave a tax rebate. My understanding is this would equate to a thousand bucks per household. A thousand in the pocket of every citizen at a time when unemployment is still nearly 9% and we might just be seeing light at the end of the toilet paper tube. STFU and pass out the cash!!!!!!!! To quote Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry McGuire “show me the money"!

I know, I know, not all republicans are opposed but I'll garandoubledamteeya that those running for office in 2012 are. Why, cause the other guy is for it, and God forbid we ever agree on anything. My God what a bunch of self indulged anus heads.

Are the democrats absent of fault in this whole thing? Hell no! Are they participating in the same visceral, pond scum tactics? Hell yes! I quote from RedBlue America blog "It seems that too much attention is being paid to the payroll tax holiday. It’s being painted as a major panacea to our unemployment woes. The political class actually agrees that this holiday will be effective in creating significant jobs. There is little evidence for that".
So basically BO and democratic senate and house members are just throwing a bone to all of us fine citizens in the form of a grand in our pockets.......humm......let me think……….I'm in!

The fact that Mitch McConnell supported this measure in 2009 and now stands with his minions in staunch opposition only conveys the perpetual stalemate in Congress. Both sides claim that the method of funding is the sticking point i.e. Social security as opposed to sir-tax on uber wealthy, but every economic expert says the impact ether way is negligible. So what our pea brained elected officials are really doing is not "agreeing to disagree" BUT” disagreeing to disagree”!!!!!! fucking stupid is that?

Ok, just to sum this up I’ll put it in bullet points:
1. We have the chance to extend a tax holiday that could leave a thousand bucks in all our pockets.
2. I, for one think that's pretty cool.
3. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have agreed with me, at one time or another.
4. It might not happen just because, no one is willing to support an idea (even if they truly like it) that the other guy suggested first.

One last thought and I'm guessing this has not gone unnoticed by many of you; as a lover of oxymoron’s I must put this near the top of the list...................... TAX HOLIDAY!



  1. *I put an asterisk here because my claim that federal government has never used or spent money as efficiently as the private sector. I will admit that the military might be the sole exception. I rather doubt the U.S. military can claim any kind of efficiency award (some vague memory of thousand dollar hammers lurks in the back of my mind) but it is undoubtedly the job of federal government to do the funding. Probably not a good idea to make the United States Armed Services Capitalist enterprise.

    Please feel free to leave a comment, positive, negitive, pro, con, civil, nasty.....dialog is the idea....if we do "disagree" however it is better to attack the idea and not the person....OK, respectful, intelligent dialog is the idea.
    Thanks for reading and shareing your views.

    Geno Miller

  2. Why do you hate the military? Why do you insist on implicating the average soldier, sailor, airman, guardsman, and marine in your rants.

    I know your going to come back at me and say, whoa Mr Bill I didn't say that or mean that.

    But guess what. Less than 1% of the population is a part of the military, and 100% of those in the military will stand in front of your front door and die before they let anyone take your family away.

    Your living in period of history that indicts all who serve, your living four decades in the past.

    And you still would have been wrong.

    If you want to complain about thousand dollar hammers, then you might want to get up to date and discuss Solyndra, and this informative post.

    Knowledge is power Geno. The world is complex, and regurgitating talking points as fact without backup is passe.

  3. I just realized that I replied to your own reply to your original post in which you replied to your own post and immediately contradicted yourself.

    I'll go back and read your original post and try to find line by line a way to agree with your main post.

    Wish me luck.

  4. Here is a link that fits right in with expensive hammers. Whose fault is it?

    The answer is it OUR FAULT. Quit bitching and find a solution.

    This comment was made under the guidelines of we can say whatever we want to say here at the common sense blog.

  5. This blog doesn't recognize hyperlinks for some reason.

    Just highlight the link, right click and accept the first suggestion to open the link.

    I thought I'd post that in case Skip crawled out of his man cave and wanted to feed the other side of his brain pan.

    Hi Skip!

  6. Skip, are you here yet?


  8. "whoa Mr Bill I didn't say that or mean that". Easier to just copy and paste the reply you already made for me so I'll do it again ....... Re read with " the other side of your brain pan" .......whoa Mr Bill I didn't say that or mean that.

  9. Regarding the passage of this bill (with attachments) in the house yesterday: this further reinforces the notion of dysfunctional government and nether side is immune!!!!!! Soooo.....even if we agree on the main issue and point of the bill, let's attach a bunch of other shit that the other guys will never agree with in order to make them look bad in the eyes of the electorate ........and on and on it goes. And nothing positive gets accomplished in the interest of " protecting our phony baloney jobs"!!!!!!point made!!! that's just fucking brilliant .

  10. And yes, you Can say whatever you want on the common sense blog. You can go all night if you want to.....rant on my friend!

  11. Geno

    This is not a good forum for most of your acolytes.

    They are dumber than a box of rocks, and sharper than a bag of marbles.
