Friday, December 2, 2011

A Few Things I Disagree With Michelle Bachmann On.

Michelle Bachmann: We had a FB dialog going regarding Michelle's latest Gaffe in what I regard as a long (in fact never ending) series if mistruths (Yes I may have made that word up) and mmisrepresentations. I won't go into detail other that to say that apparently she was not aware that the United States has not had an embassy in Iran since the Hostage Crisis. Apparently she reveled this lack of common knowledge by telling supporters that A Buchmann presidency would mean "NO us embassy in Iran". Humm, interesting. Anyway, a friend challenged me to reveal just what is was about her policies that i did not like. What follows are just a few, however as I wrote, the few seemed to be quite sufficient for me to develop an honest dislike for this woman as a candidate and a person.

1.       I do not agree with her position against embryonic stem cell (ESC) research.  She and other misguided ignorant people like her believe that it is preferable to flush and embryo left over from IVF procedure down the toilet than to use it to developed ESC lines to use for research. This research just happens to hold the most promise for Type 1 diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s, Kidney disease, and paralyses due to spinal cord injury that has ever been hoped for. This is FACT. I have a Type 1 daughter, have spent years researching this shit, and I know what the fuck I am talking about. Embryos which are fertilized invetro for IVF that are not used (thousands every month in every state) are discarded. They, on the other hand, can be donated to research in where the ESC is isolated and removed, placed in the proper nutrients and continues to divide but not differentiate thus creating a “stem cell line”. The ESC it the one cell from which all the 240 mature adult cells in the human body come from. The research potential for this is endless and universally accepted in the scientific, research and medical communities as the most exciting development in the history of civilization.

Michelle, would not only cut NIH funding, she would have this research made illegal. Even the most social conservative Senator I can think of Orrin Hatch was quoted in the ’06 ESC research enhancement act debate as saying “A five day old embryo in a petri dish, in one thousand years will still be an embryo in a petri dish, not a human life.  So Michelle Bachmann would deny the life saving research needed to end the suffering of Millions of citizens and even deny them life itself because she is morally opposed to using that embryo for research even though it will,in fact, be destroyed anyway. I see this position as the most disgusting, reprehensible, inexcusable, selfish thing I could ever even conceive of.

She would let my daughter die for her moral position!!! Now if that is not enough reason, I will continue.

2.       I disagree with her Anti-choice position on abortion. I happen to have an adopted daughter, so I have (and deserve) a somewhat negative opinion on abortion. Imagine if Annie’s birth mom decided to abort? However, I believe with all my heart and soul that that most difficult decision can and must be made by the mother and father …..And only the mother and father. This is way too important and difficult a decision that must be make with one’s own conscience and higher power and NOT dictated by our federal Government. They have NO fucking place, or right to even be in the discussion of this most heart retching and difficult decision. Michelle has the colossal audacity to believe that she somehow possesses the grand power or “word of God” in making those decisions for us. I say that is a pompous arrogant attitude that I simply cannot abide by. You want more???? Ok-
3.       I disagree with her position on Gay and Lesbian rights and marriage.  Is there any excuse to discriminate against anyone? Is there any logical fair reason you would deny a person equal rights under the law? I simply don’t get it, unless it is simply driven by fear and ignorance.

To deny a person the same rights as anyone else because of their sexual preference is unfair, backward, and just plain wrong. Hey let’s go back and deny women the right to vote…how about blacks? The hypocritical attitude of moral superiority just makes me sick. I have plenty more in the way of issues of difference with Michelle Bachmann. Environmental issues, climate change, foreign affairs, the list is long. The only thing I can even come close to agreeing with her on is deficit reduction. I suspect we both agree as to it as a certain necessity, but I’m sure we disagree on how to achieve it.

It basically comes down to this: I believe that Michelle Bachmann is lost in a fanatic, ideological world of her own creation, and that she actually believes the fantastic, totally made-up incredibly stupid shit she says.  Facts are just an unnecessary luxury she simply does not care about and quite frankly does not need because she thinks she is the only one with God on her side. I feel that we can all try to be on God’s side but God is on all of our sides.