Sunday, January 17, 2016

While every organized religion within our limited preview of written human history has claimed to be "the King shit" when it comes to moral superiority, history easily proves the contrary. All of them claim a monopoly on human altruism which I find ether disingenuous (at best) or absolute bullshit ( more likly). Let us put aside for the moment the horrific deeds and practices preformed over the last two thousand years in the name of one God or another. Let us dismiss momentarily one thousand years of Crusades, inquisitions, religious genoside, and current Islamic fundamentalism. Let us just focus on the ever present claim of almost every religious community that they are the true practitioners of altruism. Unfortunately, organized religion serves not as a platform for universal altruism, but as a far more narrow platform of group and reciprocal altruism directed only towards members of the same faith, and not toward humanity in general. 
This becomes all too obvious and "close to home" when one observes the agenda of the current American evangelical right. Ones apparently god given right to participate in ceremony prescribed to ones religion justifies indifference or flat-out rejection of all others. This is simply not acceptable in today's global society. We are all too inter- connected and interdependent on one another to accept religious (read mythological) differences. I can accept the reality of "kin altruism" in the fact that we are all genetically predisposed to love our children more than others, but of course that is not only altruism but survival and Darwinism at its clearest. However the shit that is spudded in the name of God (or whatever group- du jouir) is infuriating, and counter productive to the betterment of humankind. 

The natural disposition of humanity toward fairness, kindness, and empathy whether genetic or learned had certainly never been the exclusive domain of any particular religious organization , no matter where anyone says. Random acts of kindness come from all nooks and crannys. Sure they come from Christian Churches, bla, da, bla..churches and peoples of no religious beliefs at all. The most importance observation is that altruism at its purest is a natural part of the human condition. We all strive not only to treat others as we wish to be treated but to help others at what may be our own sacrafice. This is simply "being human"..... Regardless of who you choose to pray too.

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