Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Great GOP Paintball War

GOP Paintball War: Better than a Debate.

I just came up with an idea which makes so much sense I am surprised no one has suggested it thus far.

Everyone has clearly witnessed that every GOP vying for the nomination is just itching to get involved in a ground war in the Middle East again. All of them have expressed disgust with the idea of diplomacy as used in the past few days by our current administration. All would place U.S.A. boots on the ground and incurs American loss of life, regardless of the irrefutable, frustrating, no-win nature of the situation. This almost appears to me as some sort of unnatural blood lust; an insatiable desire to fight, kill, and die rather than actually achieve an objective, only with someone else's life, or that of their children. Now, I may be wrong in my assertion of some disturbing neurosis but every GOP debate has clearly provided a good deal of evidence supporting my assertion and every one has referred to our POTUS as weak for not having used more military in Syria, Yemen and / or Ukraine.

It also has become crystal clear that they all would rather shit a peach seed than allow assault style weapons like AR15s, AK47s, M4s and the like to be regulated in any way shape or form. They have all publicly  stated opposition to any sort of reasonable back ground check to help keep a high capacity mag. armor piercing, high velocity semi- auto out of the hands of some nut case.

So, here's the concept: Instead of having the next GOP debate, which have all clearly degraded to a mud slinging, visceral, personal attack on each other (Bush v Rubio, Trump v Cruz, etc. etc.) let's try a different approach that will not only satisfy all their aghast and anger against each other and American life today as we know it, but also satisfy their desire  for war, killing, and use of assault weapons, not to mention, provide for a clear and undeniable winner.

Let them have a paintball war only substitute the paintball guns with fully automatic AK47s. The Last man or woman standing gets the nomination. I realize this proposal sounds a bit like The Hunger Games, however from all I have heard from the GOP hopefuls, they would all love it, therefor it would be completely voluntary. Of course this would assume that all hopefuls have  conviction behind their hawkish rhetoric. If any did not accept the invitation it would only go to show that they were really just spewing bull shit and are not willing to put their actions where their mouths are. On top of it all, this could provide the hugest global media event ever. Selling rights to coverage could quite possibly save, and fund social security and Med a care forever.

Macabre sounding I know, and of course Paul gets a pass as a liberation and having never endorsed unilateral U.S. Military intervention, but overall, even in jest.......I think it would be awesome.........anyone willing to shell out a fifty to watch on pay for view??????

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