Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Day The Oil Stopped Burning, Chapter 8: B.V.I. A Conversation With the Big Man.

CHAPTER 8: B.V.I.  A conversation with the Big Man.



"Hey Jimmy, We're over Turks and Caicos right now, be on Beef island in one hour. We can dodge customs with some diplomatic shit Rod pulled via the state department". "Ok Jack, I'm in Trellis Bay, like two minutes from the airport. Do you want me to send a van"? "Can you that would be awesome". "Can I? What the fuck, I own a charter service. Josh will be there, are you going to the terminal"? "No, we are going to the west hanger, like I said we get a waive through with the customs routine and taxi right to the U.S. diplomatic hanger. That’s probably a good thing because we have some major firepower that might be hard to explain to your average customs agent". Within the hour they were at the "Nanny Lu" as Jimmy! Boat was named. Hank and Marla had named the boat, Jimmy said it was "after their great grandmother or some shit". Jimmy was never very keen on the name, but he regarded it as bad luck to ever change a boats name, so the Nanny Lu it was. She was equipped with four staterooms and three additional crew quarters. She was sixty two feet overall with a twenty five foot beam. She had a cruising speed under full sail of fourteen knots at anything over ten knots of wind speed. She could motor at twelve with a top speed of eighteen under power and she could surf at twenty two knots downwind with an asymmetrical spinnaker. She was extremely maneuverable in the harbor with twin screws she could do a three hundred and sixty degree circle in one spot. She was loaded with the latest in electronics, had a 300 KW solar generator, and a 200 GPH water maker. She could cruise for three months without resupply, and easily complete a transatlantic in sixteen days. She was a totally self-sufficient world cruiser and she could be sailed by two people.


"Jack, Geno......and my sweet, sweet Annie G." Jimmy yelled as they were hauling gear down the pier. "You two fuck sticks look like a couple dog du snow cones but Annie, you look fabulous". "Thanks honey, when did you start featuring the Captain Jack Sparrow look"? "Just started..Whattdaya think"? "The braided goatee's a bit much, otherwise not bad". "So Jackie, where you guys want to go"? "I'll tell you Jimmy, this is fucking paradise, man I could go anywhere, just get a cold Heineken in my hand and I'll be in heaven". "Hey Jimmy, these are the guys who saved my life, Dougy, Max, Tom, meet Jimmy. Doug and Tom know their way around a boat. Tom has done a couple BOAC around alone races". “I’m not worthy" Jimmy said bowing down in honor and jest "you are my hero....and I don't even know you". Jack continued "Max is not a sailor but he is a badass Special Forces guy who can handle anything. If we can get his tie and sport coat off him....maybe even a beer in his hand we'll be doing good". "Let's shoot over to Anegada for the night". "This is a nice boat mate" Tom Rum said as he was untied a stern line". "We'll, it would be my honor for you to take the helm and take her out". "My pleasure there captain". 


Within ninety minutes they were at anchor at a small anchorage just west of the main harbor on the Island of Anegada. Jack had taken one of the Avon tenders to a lone beach on the west side of the island. It had been a pretty crazy week for Jack and he really needed to sit on the beach for a couple hours and just try to figure some things out. Other than the deadly nature of their situation and being shot at, the past week had been pretty darn fun. He was thinking that it seemed like a long time since he had left Washington D.C. He kind of wondered if he was ever going to go back. He thought about what had transpired in the weeks leading up to his departure and the odd circumstances that led to the disconcerted feeling he could not shake. Jack had been born with his uncanny ability to read people and he was well aware of the nefarious nature of things that were brewing. After a few hours, he was starting to piece together the chain of events and people involved who he had seen or talked to and start to make sense of what was going on. He was just pondering on the fact that a lot of humanity was shit heads and really didn't care about each other. Why the neck were they like that, weren't the eggheads a force of good, weren't they benevolent and loving, weren't we supposed to be like them. Why would people deny the advantages and true gifts from a truly higher power in the Universe? Had they not been writing about and praying to this power for centuries in attempts to understand and explained things beyond our comprehension. Had they not literally created us and let us evolve and develop a higher intellect and develop technology and had not technology evolved along with our biological evolution. Had not our technological evolution long since overtaken our biological evolution? Unlike every other spices on earth; humans highly evolved technology had allowed then to adapt the world around them to suite their own needs and wants, rather than having to rely on biological evolution to adapt themselves to survive in their surroundings. Pretty amazing stuff Jack thought. He was just wondering why the eggheads would allow humanity to fuck up all the technological gifts they had given us, but then he realized the history of man was fraught with inexplicable events of crudity and selfishness. I guess we are a fucking bunch of pigs he thought to himself.......And I am just running away, maybe I'm just another one of the fucking pigs myself.......


"No you're not" a voice came from behind him. Jack turned around to see a pleasant looking middle aged man sitting in the sand behind him. "Who the hell are you" Jack asked? "You can call me Bob" said the gentleman. "Where the hell did you come from man, I didn't hear a thing". Bob just smiled and rolled his eyes upward toward the sky. "Holy shit, are you an egghead". "You realize that we never really cared for that particular name". “Well you guys could have given us something easier than ecohedanosphearic entities". Bob replied that Echos or something along those lines could have been a bit better, but you have to admit, eggheads are a bit derogatory, especially since we did actually create you people, and suggested that a little respect would not be too much to ask for. "Good point Bob, so what brings you to Anegada"? "It seems like things are getting a little out of hand these days, and we thought you might want a hand". "Me.....Me...I need a hand? What about other people. .....like maybe someone a bit more qualified to save the world". "Nope...it's you". "Why". "Just your lucky day I guess". "So, are you going to fill me in on who is trying to kill me, and maybe who is trying to get gas to burn again and start some wars and sell weapons and cause extreme suffering, death, destruction and possible atmospheric deterioration all for selfish personal gain"? "Yup". "Ok...who"? "Lots of people". “Can you be a bit more specific". "Senate minority leader Justin Amash". "Oh that's just great Justin Amash .Why don't I just call the cops and tell them that Senator Justin Amash is trying to kill me, and by the way, he is also the mastermind behind a clandestine, sinister, worldwide conspiracy bent on world collapse.....that should work just wonderfully". "Yes, of course, you could be more delicate. That approach might work well with....say....Ted Nugent; he has been part of the conspiracy for years. Of course everyone already knows he's a wacko". "That's funny; I always figured he was an alien". "Hhhooo...That hurt, you have a good sense of humor Mr. Saffell, and you are pretty sharp". "Jack, please, call me Jack. After all I'm the one that's been referring to you guys as eggheads for sixteen years.....and sorry by the way, I mean o disrespect. I was only sixteen years old when you guy showed up. I really am a big fan...you guys are awesome". "Thanks, you know, we do try, but it's been this rule where we really don't want to micromanage things here, that was never the idea". "You realize you’re not alone, there are thousands of different civilizations all over the universe that are at different stages of evolution". "Where do we place"? "You guy rank pretty high. All in all you are doing a decent job for yourselves. I mean, you do have your share of assholes, but the majorities are kind, loving people who really do care for each other". "Thanks, that's refreshing to hear. So.....are you God"? "I guess you could say that. Most of your major religions these days seem to be monotheistic, but our whole civilization is interconnected, so it could actually be thought of as one single power or force within the universe. It's actually many universes in many different dimensions, you just happen to inhabit one of them at the moment. We are responsible for life on earth if that's what you mean. As you have already figured out, all the information needed to create a human being can be found in a single DNA molecule. Rather basic stuff really. So, I suppose...Yes... We are what most humans refer to as God. As I said Jack, we have planted seed of life, if you will, all over the many universes for billions of years. Your spices, is but one among thousands and every civilization that has evolved as far as yours has developed some form of religion. Often, as in your case, many different religions, this is equally as often very problematic. You see Jack; it is only natural and intuitive for a spices that has advanced to a stage of your technology to start to wonder about things outside themselves. To wonder where they came from, and what their purpose is. You certainly need to have reached the level of evolution where survival is not predicated upon your biological evolution keeping up with the needs of your surroundings, but rather, your technological evolution keeping up with your need to adapt your surroundings to your specific needs. For you guys that happened a couple hundred thousand years ago. Fire, stone tools, sharp sticks, that sort of thing. Anyway, as the brain developers and the neocortex develops a network to link it all together on the different levels and humans started to recognize their different thought patterns, that is to say, understand abstract thought and imagination. At this point in evolution it seems necessary to develop some sort of spirituality or religion just as a way of explaining things that are otherwise unexplainable at the time.......so most civilizations just make it up. Make sense to you Jack"? "Yea, sort of. Let me get this straight. So, basically religion is correct, that there is a God, or higher power, and that's you guys...right"? "Right". "And, even though most religions think in terms of one God, that is not totally wrong because you guys are interconnected, so it's kind of just a matter of semantics...right"? "Right". "But, what about all the different prophets and rituals and scriptures and stuff"? "We'll jack, I am afraid that you people pretty much made all that stuff up. Like I said, it is only natural to wonder and try to make sense of things, but when one group claims to have it all figured out and possess exclusive access to The ANSWERS......well that's when the shit hits the fan. For some reason at this stage of your development, you people seen to be willing to fight each other over abstract believes. It is somewhat understandable to fight for say, food, or shelter, of something having to do with your survival, but this insistence on killing to defend your ideology is baffling to us". "So we are like the lovable yet dysfunctional family" asked Jack. "Something like that" answered Bob. 


Jack was not really surprised at how exhilarated he felt at the moment. His head was so full of questions, with different thoughts racing so fast in his brain......he thought to himself "calm down Jack.....keep it cool". Never the less he felt kind of like a groupie at a rock concert. "Ok, how long do I have" Jack asked. "Do you mean, to live" asked Bob. "No, no...Sorry... I mean...right now, to talk to you. How long do I get to talk to you? As you might imagine I have a few more questions, and it's not every day you get to talk to God.....or an alien.....or both". "I'm not in any hurry. I've been around since the first great human migration started; I might as well spend a few more minutes answering questions for you Jack. Or maybe you just want to email me a list of bullet point questions". "Can I do that” asked Jack. "Jesus No" said Bob "I was just kidding, but actually, we do like your Internet thing. I tap in on occasion to check things out. You guys really made it easy with that Facebook invention back in the first decade of this millennium. I especially liked the "God Facebook" page, that guy was hysterical".  "Bob, you’re a pretty funny guy yourself, are all the eggheads like you"? "Yes, I think you would find us similar in that respect, and we do adapt ourselves to our surroundings, mostly to extend comfort to whoever we are communicating with. However we do have individual personalities; as you would you put it. There are some definite ironies in the universe and recognition of them can be entertaining. I believe that is what you would consider humor. I must say though, humans really do take this humor thing to a higher level. That seems to be one of the ironies of your race; you have the capacity for incredible kindness and selflessness, yet also have the capacity for incredible cruelness and inhumanity. We have long speculated that your sense of humor developed as a sort of coping mechanism for this paradox. What else would you like to know". 


"Just how much influence have you guys had on our development"? "Do you mean like actively”. "Yes, exactly like sixteen years ago when you showed up and gave us the gifts of technology and saved us from destroying our atmosphere". "We have been keeping an eye on your world since the beginning if that's what you’re referring to. We have made a few visits at key times. We did introduce technology to the first humanoids. After several hundred thousand years your technology was stagnating and you guys were kind of stuck in the hunter gatherer thing so we introduced agriculture and beasts of burden. Some of the early advanced civilizations took to it well....you know, Mesoamerica, Egypt, China, the Fertile Crescent". "What about all the Christianity stuff, what about Jesus Christ" asked Jack. "Not us" answered Bob. "Awesome guy totally had the right idea... But not us". We pretty much stayed out of the picture until sixteen years ago when, as you stated, we figured out that your atmosphere was at a tipping point. It just so happens that you guys had just recently figured out how to digitize information and your ability to store more and more of it in less space has increased rapidly. What humanity has yet to recognize is that this ability to digitize information is the tipping point for all civilizations to become advanced. Quite truthfully, we probably would have let you guys go ahead and just trash your own planet but for the fact that you passed this tipping point. We just couldn't see letting you parish and we realized you were ready for a technology boost. Humanity would have figured out everything we taught you eventually. That's just how it works, so we simply sped things up a bit, and probably saved your planet. The general consensus was that it would be a shame to have you guys come all this way and survive to join the ranks of the advanced spices only to destroy your habitat in the misguided attempt to adapt your environment to your needs. So, that is the reason behind our intervention of 2016".


"Ok, next question" said Jack. "How have we preformed as a spices, since your intervention? I mean, it seems to me as if we as a spices are loath to accept any kind of productive change. I have witnessed it in my work for the past six years. Men can look you in the face and lye about things that literally affect the entire human race, and quite often I can sense that they truly don't care. I can actually feel their indifference toward their fellow man. I can actually look into their minds........or soul.....if you will, and see a void. How can it be that, in the wake of all the gifts of life and technology you have bestowed on us that people can be so......so......fucked up"? "That's kind of a tuff one Jack" answered Bob. "On the whole, your race has behaved admirably, but you are correct, there are still problems and still problemed people. I don't think I possess an adequate answer for you on that one Jack. What I can say is that there has always existed a struggle within the cosmos between positive and negative energy. Many of your Religions explain it as the struggle between God and The Devil, which is not a bad analogy but really kind of misses the point. The struggle is within each and every one of us, not between two actual entities. We seem to have advanced to a point to which negative energy is simply not tolerated, and as such, has not really influenced our progress and development for trillions of years. That is not to say however that negative energy does not still exist......it does. In the case of humanity, it will suffice to say that you guys are still working on it, and all in all you are moving in the right direction".


"Ok next question, if you created us- and apparently a lot of other spices too- who the hell created you"? "Hummm, you have interesting questions Jack. I was not mistaken in gauging your capacity for understanding at a high level. We come from a previous spices like ourselves. Your human understanding of time is limited, but for the purpose of this explanation, just consider a length of time that your current understanding of math has not reached. The only definition you have for it so far is INFINITY.  So, in other words, a really long time ago, we were once like you. We had evolved from one cell organisms in a bio-metophisicological fashion. Our seeds had been planted and nurtured in a fashion similar to what we did with you and many others over the last several trillion years. Anyway, as we evolved, and employed technology, just as you have, we eventually were able to exist as information and energy, without the need of a biological support system. It is actually a bit more completed that just energy and information, but that is the best I can come up with as far as an explanation within you human realm of understanding. Maybe the best way to explain is to use a human concept that helps you to define the indefinable. I guess you could say that we have a soul. Do you understand Jack"? "Yea, actually I think I do". "Good, I realize this is heavy shit, but I'm the one that is calling on you, so you do have the right to understand as much as is humanly possible. So basically, we continued to evolve and be nurtured by our creators as did other spices and over what you would again consider infinity, we all assimilated into one. We achieved a total singularity and became one with our creators, our technology, and each other. Since then we have been able to transcend dimensions-at least as you understand them- create many universes, plant new life throughout those universes, and pretty much carry on as we are supposed to.....do you have more questions"?


"Well yesssss..... How long do you guys live? What happens when you die, and how do you reproduce???? Or do you even reproduce"? "Ok, ok, one at a time. I'm not sure I can adequately answer those ones ether but I'll try. First, to use your preferred English vernacular, We live a really fucking Long time! I've been around since you guys started migrating out of the African continent, which was beautiful by the way. It was a complete joy to watch your curiosity and unquenchable spirit of adventure......but I digress....so, yes we basically live forever and that; my dear Jack answers your next question. We don't die, not by you concept anyway. We eventually do what you might consider a sort of recycle thing, but that is simply beyond your ability to understand, and, quite frankly, my ability to explain. The last one is difficult to answer as well. The process I explained to you regarding where we came from....our evolution....our singularity.....well, let's just say, that's still going on. It is a continuum, of time, space, and energy.....or, let's call it life.....It is A life continuum, and we are all part of it. Fact is Jack that you are A part of it too.....do you get what I am saying to you"? "I think so, and if I am on the right page, you may have answered my next and far most important question". "That's right Jack, you are defiantly on the right page, and you intuition serves you well. I will ask you to keep that one under your hat if you will, for many obvious reasons". "Oh but Bob, that's the big one! What da ya mean I gotta keep that one under my hat? That is like the single biggest unanswered question in the history of mankind and you just insinuated the answer and I have to KEEP IT UNDER MY HAT....is that about it"? "Yup, that's about it Jack. I didn't say our conversation, or my answers to your questions, or what I am going to ask would be easy for you. Do you have more questions"?


"Just a couple hundred" said Jack with a somewhat snarky tone. "Might have to keep it to an even hundred" Bob retorted in kind. "What about physics, what about atoms, molecules, particles, relativity, the speed of light, quantum physics, parallel dimensions, black holes. Universal expansion and how the hell does carbon based life fit in the picture? Oh, and how small do things really get? Is it like a whole other universe could exist in the space of what we know as a particle? Oh and how long does a star usually have? I mean, specifically how long before our sun burns out"? "You know Jack, sooner or later we are going to have to get around to why I am here right now, and if you line of questioning gets any more generic, I will have to rethink my original high opinion of you and your capacity for knowledge and pragmatism. So, here we go. Your understanding of basic physics is sound; Quantum physics is just like religion, a way to explain inexplicable things. The speed of light is what it is, but by no means does that establish any sort of limit to the travel and transfer of energy, or matter in any form. Black holes, another thing like religion, made up to explain stuff you don't understand. They don't exist as you understand them. Let's just say they are gateways to other dimensions and universes. Parallel universes, yes, and by the way, you can get to them through black holes". 


Bob was getting rather sarcastic at this point, but Jack was absorbing every bit of information, and was actually able to tap into a telepathic connection with Bob just as he was able to do with most humans. He harbored an intuition that Bob was something along the lines of "pure wisdom" or "pure good". Not in some formal, ritualistic way, but in some simple, serene, peaceful way. Jack even felt a very real sense of euphoria and total contentment that he had never experienced before. Oh a conscious level Jack thought "this is one cool benevolent dude" and "I am going to do whatever this guy asks me to do....no problem".


Bob continued; "there are many things smaller than a particle, and no, an entire universe is not inside one of them. Carbon based life is a pretty small part of the whole picture, but a very important part. It is not the exclusive domain of consciousness as you know it. In other words, there are many things you would consider as intelligent life forms, like me for example, that are not, or at least no longer, carbon based life forms. However carbon based life is a pretty efficient way to nurture evolution of an advanced species. You understand Jack"? "Yes, I do. Please continue". "Ok then, as far as your sun is concerned, I have no idea. We can put things in play and maybe manipulate the outcome, but we by no means control everything". "Then who does" asked Jack? "Why, no one" answered Bob "it just IS". "So, there is stuff that you actually don't understand" asked Jack. "Yes, there is stuff that we don't understand.....not much....but some things that we don't know.....you feel better"? "Yea, I guess I do. I'm not sure why...maybe it's just a little refreshing, knowing that even God doesn't have ALL the answers" said Jack after he had thought about it for a minute or so. "I tend to agree" said Bob. "So, you ready to hear a few more details about what is happening in your world today"? "Yea, I'm not at all sure I actually want to hear it, but I have this distinct feeling you are going to lay it on me anyway so....you have my undivided attention". 


"A lot of this I really don't have to go over considering you are already in the thick of it. The main reason you are in the deep shit right now is that you insinuated to a group of PPPEP guys that certain interests had quite a bit too lose with the passage of the GECA treaty. They have planted spies with telepathic powers all over the place and one of them that reports directly to Senator Amash, was present at the time. It probably wasn't what you said as much as what you thought, and no, you wouldn't have been able to detect his telepathy because they knew of your powers but you didn't suspect theirs, so they just blocked your abilities without you even knowing. If you were expecting this shit it might have been different but these guys are total pros so it’s no wonder they caught you off guard. Anyway, these guys obviously caught the vibe that you really suspected that there was a humongous conspiracy even if you didn't grasp it at a conscious level. Furthermore, at this stage of the game with them being able to block this legislation in the House -unbeknownst to you, the White House, and just about everybody else involved- they were hardly willing to risk losing the vote because of one lame ass, telepathic, environmental lobbyist.....namely you! You with me so far"? Yea, I'm with you". "So, they put out the hit on you, which to them is no big deal, they have already assassinated over two hundred people in the past ten years so what’s another lobbyist...right? They would have gotten away with but they underestimated your intuition and willingness to act on it. Most folks get feelings, vibes, intuition, whatever you want to call it, and it's real, however they rarely trust them and even more rarely act on them, you, on the other hand do. In fact you have learned the rather unique skill and ability to interpret your intuitions and act accordingly. You know full well that you were born with this skill, but what you don't know is that everybody is, they just don't know it, or they don't know how to use it, or maybe they did at one time in their evolution and have forgotten because of external factors like too much reliance on technology. The whole idea of a species having technology is that it evolves along with their biological growth and their mental growth and that they learn to incorporate it all into a unified healthy evolution. Anyway, sometimes one thing will get ahead of the other and it takes a while for things to assimilate and even out. You just got the gift of better incorporation of all your senses and the ability to understand, interpret and act upon them".


"Wow, these fuckers are willing to blow me away for something as simple as world power, domination, and extreme wealth and privilege" asked Jack. "Yes... I know right" answered Bob. "Hard to believe they would waist you for such a meager pittance. So, here we are with the GECA legislation passing out of committee and heading to the House floor for debate and all those in favor thinking it’s a lock when in actuality, the Trad's and PPPEP's and others in the conspiracy have secretly ether bribed or threatened enough Members to kill the Legislation before it even gets out of the House and to the Senate or The President much less to the U.N. And, I am sure you are aware that if the U.S. balks at this treaty, it is not going to happen and one more possible roadblock will have been lifted on their quest to create Global chaos. By the way, they have had the formula to reformulate petroleum and distill it for combustion for many years now, they have just been waiting for a time at which their interests are fully aliened and they can maximize the effect of this discovery and the fact that they have almost every piece of Petrol powered machinery and/or military hardware needing fossil fuel already in their collective possession". 


"So what you're saying is that if the GECA treaty goes through, it might at least buy some time and put a speed bump in their way, because every country on earth will be behind it and there will be a global across the board restriction on any fossil fuel consumption or combustion, and we will have global watch dogs with sharp teeth to see to it that such restrictions are enforced".

"That is exactly what I am saying, which is not to say that they can't pull off a pretty major disruption in economic, and political stability anyway.....but it will sure be harder for them if that GECA treaty get signed and goes into effect". "I am beginning to see the big picture here, and it sure is a lot bigger than I originally thought" said Jack shaking his head in disappointment in himself. “Hey” said Bob “don’t be hard on yourself. You already had a much better idea of what was happening than ninety nine percent of the population. That is why you had a price on your head”.


“What happens now” asked Jack. “Well, ether you and your friends throw a big ol’ wrench in the works of these inconsiderate, clandestine, selfish, power hungry, greedy bastards, or they get away with it and disrupt the world’s balance of power and push your still fragile atmospheric condition into an irreversible feedback loop creating climate change of epic proportion that will probably spell the end of the human race”. “You know Bob; you really don’t need to pull any punches with me. I mean, I’m a big boy, you don’t have to sugar coat anything…….Soooo…..basically it’s up to my friends and me to save the planet? Could you give me something with a little more pressure, something a little more important? How about this…maybe something that I might at least have the slightest, outside chance of accomplishing”? “Now Jack don’t sell yourself short. I think you’ll be fine. Besides you do have some kick ass friends, I’ve noticed”. “Ok Bob, you already know that I’m in. The fact is that you knew before you even talked to me that I was going to do whatever you asked, didn’t you”? “Yes, I sure did” said Bob smiling. Jack was smiling too. It seemed to dawn on both of them simultaneously that even though Humans had searched their soul for contact with their “Higher Power” for thousands of years, and that the “Eggheads” had helped them evolve and nurtured their growth for thousands of years, this was the first actual bond between father and son and they were both feeling an incredible sense of joy at that very fact. “Hey Bob, I have to tell you, I am really incredibly happy that you came to seem”. “Me too” said Bob. “Will I be able to see you again”? “ You never know” said Bob “you never know. So here is what I need you to do”.

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