7: D.C. The World’s largest Private Arms Dealer
what do we have so far"? Ron asked to the group gathered around the
conference table at the EAG headquarters. Sitting at the table was, Ron, Laura,
Pete Miller from the NSA, Art Dutton from the Secretary of Defense office,
Doctors Chang, Watson, and Sam Markey. "I think there is some kind of
major conspiracy going on that is directly related to the GECA" Laura
started. "As you are all well aware there have been numerous efforts in
the past to reconstitute any number of various fossil fuels for any number of various reasons. Some well meaning,
some not, some large scale, some small, however none that have proven
successful as far as we know. Now, all of these past efforts no matter how
large the scale has never represented anything more than what we would call-
rather isolated attempts ether by a rogue nation for military purposes or
corporate interest for the purpose of profit. None of this being illegal, just
hard to do and as such, hardly worth doing. Well, Gentlemen and Ladies, it
would seem that from the pieces of evidence-that while coincidental and antidotal on their own- seen to add up to
something on a much larger and substantially more sinister scale".
"What the hell are you talking about here Doctor Jones" asked Pete
Miller. Pete was a chief officer at the NSA and was the NSA lesion to the White
House. "We don't have any such intel that I'm aware of". “Like I
said" continued Dr. Jones”
clues are small and seemingly unrelated until you start to piece them together
and develop a theory". "So this is strictly theoretical stuff we are
talking about.....right? Asked Pete. "Right.... And frankly I hope it's
wrong.....but at this point I don't think so". Ron jumped in at this point
"Laura has just spent the past seventy two hours compiling, filtering, and
piecing together every shred of information available from our own sources and
co-oping with you guys (looking at Pete and Art) as well as the CIA, Turkish,
and Israeli intelligence and the Chinese". Ron was absolutely correct, Laura
had been piecing bits and pieces of data together and running hundreds of
different programs, filters and algorithms trying to find common denominators
and make sense of otherwise insignificant actions all over the world. Dr Laura
Jones was quite simply the best at this sort of thing and had often assisted
various Government security agencies, so when she suggested a conspiracy, it
was not taken lightly. "So, let's hear your opinion" said Ron.
first, I believe that somebody has already developed a formula to reconfigure
petroleum and refine it back into high grade combustible fuel. I'm talking
gasoline, aviation fuel, you name it. I think that it is being scaled up and is
being refined at secret locations all over the world. Second, I believe that
there is an international conspiracy behind this that is much more far reaching
than we can imagine. It's likely that entire developing nations are involved,
and a number of international banking interests. Quite possibly a few radical
religious groups and I'm guessing some higher ups in various governments and
militaries of many developed countries including ours. I think that whoever
this is, they have been secretly stock piling left over oil reserves, and
fossil fuel powered machinery and military
equipment for years. I also get the impression that they are gearing up
reemployment of disserted oil extraction facilities along the east coast and
central corridor of Africa".
the last few years before the first visit from the eggheads, geological research had turned up vast and previously unknown reserves in
the areas of Nigeria, Congo, and Somalia where there were already known
reserves but the political climate and civil unrest had made further
exploitation to risky. Increasing demand from the thirsty nations of Western
Europe, the U.S. and China had finally overcome the risk factors and vast
reserves all along the central corridor of Africa just below the equator and
along the eastern coast from Somalia to South Africa. These reserves that
dwarfed the Middle East reserves were just beginning to be exploited when the eggheads visit rendered them
useless. The discovery of vast oil reserves in a particular country or region
does not necessarily spell property for the indigenous people as we have learned from the Middle East and
other " oil rich" countries' the insuring political upheaval, the
civil war and general unrest seemed to prove that this was no different.
Africa, which was mostly a political mess and the tribal nature of African
culture, made for a lot of competing interests for control over the new found
suddenly the new found treasure which everyone is fighting over is found to be
useless the underlying animosity continues and conflict just intensifies rather
than diminishes. The past sixteen years had done little to improve conditions
in Africa. While desalination and irrigation had done much to alleviate wide
spread famine, most attempted democratic central governments had failed to take
hold and overall economic conditions had remained dismal for a majority of the
I believe that this conspiracy has malevolent intentions that are nothing short
of an upset in the world’s balance of power. I also believe that the pending
Global Energy Cooperation Act, which we believe every world power is in favor
of, proposes a serious thorn in the side of this conspiracy, and I think that
is why they are willing to take more overt action at this moment. If I'm right,
they obviously would be highly motivated to see that the GECA dies a quick
death, and they certainly possess the resources to eliminate any obstacle
standing in the way of their objectives. In our case, that obstacle is Jack. He
obviously stumbled onto something that was regarded by these guys as a serious
impediment to their goals; enough to try and take him out. Doug was lucky
enough to locate him just as a highly trained and equipped team of unidentified
assets were about to take him and his friends out. Our guys had to fry three of
them and two got away. The bottom line is that this conspiracy could easily
reach way up into any of the cabinets. We could be talking about staff,
advisors and even Senators and Members of Congress. We could be talking about
Generals, Admirals, Assistant secretaries, and senior staff in the militaries.
We could even be talking about the NSA, Department of Defense, CIA, Homeland
Security, and the FBI...........any questions"?
this actually makes sense and your theory is plausible" said Art Dutton
“but, other than your intuition, what kind of proof do you have that can help
substantiate any of this"? "First of all somebody and I'm not talking
amateurs here, tried to kill Jack Saffell. Now why in the world would somebody
with professional assassins on the payroll want to kill an environmental
lobbyist? And what has Jack been working on? Only the most significant, global
changing, international cooperation treaty EVER! And what's the most important
thing that this treaty will accomplish? Actually outlaw any type of CO2
emissions, and construct a mechanism to monitor and enforce it on a complete
and global scale. Since every single person on earth will benefit from this
treaty, and it will be the single biggest event since our first visit from the
eggheads to actually save humanity from extinction, there would need to be a
pretty compelling reason to try and fuck it up. And what could that reason
possibly be but the usual lust for wealth and power.....on a huge scale! If
this treaty goes through, and I'm right about this, someone will stand to lose
gazillions". "Once again" said Art "I get it, but I'm still
hearing speculation. Maybe Jack just pissed off the wrong group of people years
ago, and this attempt to waist him has nothing to do with the GECA".
"What else do you have" asked Ron. "I have had Fin over in
Istanbul working on human migration trends over the past six years and she has
come up with some things that stand with my theory that are otherwise
inexplicable. Next, we have tracked fifty six different petroleum disposal
sites and it looks like all have been stockpiling and shipping to hidden
storage facilities in Somalia, Libya, and probably all over north, central and
the west coast of Africa. A compilation of satellite data that I ran through a
dozen different algorithms tends to show the
same kind of thing happening with a bunch of machinery. I'm sure you guys
realize that security involved in the storage, dismantling, and destruction of
a whole butt load of military hardware and equipment has been sloppy at best.
More like nonexistent. I don't blame then since everybody figured the stuff was
unusable junk and why waist resources guarding junk, but I think we have
located several storage sites and I'm guessing there are hundreds more."
Plus, after comparing notes with my guys at Langley, it looks like some actions
and movement by key assets could be explained by my theory".
2016 when the eggheads granted humanity the gifts of various emissions free,
renewable, energy technologies and a year later when fossil fuels became non
combustible, a lot of the world's oil reserves just sat around in storage.
Industry still had use for oil rather than burning it for energy and many of
those uses were still viable even with the slight molecular changes made by the
eggheads. Even with the making of plastics, non combustible solvents, waxes,
and all the other uses of crude oil, it still only amounted to less than two
percent of the total annual use. Considering that the world had ninety eight
prevent more oil than it would ever need and that it tended to be otherwise
nasty stuff (large oil spills were never fun) the eggheads gave humanity
another gift; a chemical process to turn crude oil into a harmless benign
liquid that could be absorbed into seawater or evaporated into the atmosphere.
Thousands of facilities throughout the developed nations were set up to serve
this purpose and the vast majority were of course privately held and operated.
Everyone listening to Dr. Jones elaborate on her theory knew that if some
motivated, well organized group wanted to amass billions and billions of
barrels of oil and billions of tons of military machinery, it would have been
relatively easy to do over the past ten years.
tell me about the suspicions migrations Dr. Hamerat is charting" Dr.
Watson asked. "We have a recent move of over two million people into the
area just north of the border of the new Turkish-Pakistani border".
"So, that's not new, they have been moving south for a while since things
turned sour in Russia". "No, this is different. That's why I got Fin
working on it. Looks like the demographics are way younger; predominately male
17 to 25. We show the same kind of thing moving west to east in Dar for, south
Sudan, Kenya, and Somalia". "So what do you think that means"
asked Art. "Not sure, but that kind of movement with those demographics is
usually a prelude to conflict, and if I were a conspiracy bent on shifting the
balance of power and amassing vast wealth through selling weaponry, machinery
and the fuel to power it. I would love to have a few large scale conflicts
going on just to shake shit up and province the requisite distraction”.”Good
point" said Ron. At this point Dr. Watson chinned in "we have all
been feeding Laura data, and Sat. Image we studied, kind of backs this up. We
don't have anything obvious and no change day to day, but if we track say, a
two hundred day log, then we show possibly underground storage, refining
facilities, warehouses, you name it. All in the same basic geographic locations
Laura has alluded to. Oh and also west central Russia".
just about the same time Art and Pete both asked "what's their
objective" and "what's their plan of action". ""Start
with thousands of F 35s and Abrams a1a tanks and you can get the picture. At
bare minimum you become the world’s largest private arms dealer, at worse you
start wars and take over small countries like dominos. I have no idea regarding
potential game plans, but my opinion is that they have actually been sitting on
the re-combustion formula for a while.....years maybe.... and planned to
produce a mass quantity of fuel before exposing anything. Then along comes the
Global Energy Cooperation Act Treaty and throws a big old humongous horsefly
into their bowl of oatmeal". "You don't happen to have a reasonable strategy
for proceeding on this do you" asked Pete Miller..... "And..... What the fuck am I supposed to tell the
President"? "No action plan Pete" said Ron "like Laura
said, anybody could be involved......anybody! Could even be you two...or me,
but then why would I have My team telling you this stuff....and I kind of doubt
ether of you are involved because I've know you both for over thirty years and
I trust my own intuition. But the NSA, CIA, Military, even administration staff
are all suspect....... Basically the plan is for you two along with whatever
key people you can trust, to come up with a plan. We found our boy, and that
was our first concern. Oh, and Pete, I'll need you to cover us on that bit of
handy work on Beaver Island, unless of course you want me to explain to the
local authorities why guys were shooting at each other with sniper rifles and
some got cooked with a shoulder launched sidewinder". “Yea", said
Pete "I'll see what I can do".
am convinced and I will defiantly implement an investigation, but if as you
suggest, this thing has tentacles in our own Government, I will have to tread
lightly and chose my allies carefully" said Pete. "I suggest you do
the same Art. Who do you trust in the upper echelon of the CIA and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff"? "I got a few here and there that I'm pretty sure I
can trust, how about you"? "Yea, same here. One thing for sure; I
don't trust any of those PPPEP types or those fucking Party of Traditional
American Values bastards. That bone head Santorum just about fucked over this
whole country just because he was arrogant enough to believe his image of god had to be embraced by all of humanity. I still can't
quite believe the hubris of a man that commands we believe in the writings of
men with undeniable personal vested interest over thousands of years just
because it is his Bible, and continues to desperately cling to his fable after
the entire world actually witnesses a superior race of beings with undeniable
proof that they created life on earth. I would not be completely surprised if
some of those PTAV bastards are at the heart of this shit". "Yea, I
agree that guy's a dip shit.... So Pete, how we'll do you know General
Lukas"? "Meet with him twice a week, top notch guy, most pragmatic
mind in there since Powell retired....why"?
"I know him pretty well myself" said Art "we actually graduated
West Point a year apart, and I agree with your assessment. I think I will head
over to the Pentagon and have a little pow-wow with him". General Alfred
Jacob Lukas was a five star general and current head of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. His friends knew him as A.J. and Pete, Art, and Ron all agreed that he
was the least likely guy in the world to be corrupt. "The bottom line is
that if A.J. is in on this shit....we are all fucked" was the way Ron had
put it as they adjourned the meeting. "Art, take Sam with you when you
brief AJ. He has been riding shotgun with Laura and might be able to fill in
the blanks when AJ and his staff question you; if not, he can do the telepathy
thing with Laura and she can connect the dots". "Good idea Ron,
thanks. My assistant has already contacted his office; we are heading there
right now.....Sam, you ready to roll"? Sam looked at Ron and Laura.
"Go ahead, I'll connect everything we've got to your personal data
frequency, usual security protocol and it’s only going to be up loaded for an
hour then it will self disintegrate from the system. Let me know if you get
delayed and I can reload, but SOP dictates sixty minutes maximum per shared
upload. Got it"? "Yea, got it Laura, I know what to do, thanks".
"Let's roll” said Art "our driver and detail are waiting".
in the secure parking area, right at the exit of the direct elevator to EAG
offices were two vehicles; a black Suburban and a D.C. Police car escort. In
the Suburban was a driver and secret service officer. In the Police car were
two Washington D.C. Cops. Art and Sam jumped into the back seat and within
thirty seconds they were heading south on K street toward the Pentagon. Sam
suddenly felt queasy and his peripheral vision was blurry. He felt an intense
heat and overwhelming dizziness. He turned to his left to see that Art was
unconscious. That was the last thing he saw.
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