Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The moderate approach will no longer work to save our democratic institutions and our personal freedoms.

It’s a bit funny in hindsight, which is, of course 20/20, that 10 years ago I started a Political blog which really, at its core, was a call and plea to the center of American political behavior to come home and wrestle back their overwhelming common beliefs from the extremities of the left and the right. At that time and later in the 2012 presidential election, I concentrated on global, geo-political perspectives on macro economical behavior and their consequences, along with national political rhetoric. I thought that divisions and partisan political behavior could not get any worse and stated as much on a regular basis......HOW UNBELIEVABLY WRONG I WAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
The stuff of fantasy fiction which was represented by the Republican Party Presidential 2012 primary line-up with the the social conservative/ evangelical likes of Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee, now seems like some distant, benign normalcy. The truth is that by current comparison, it did represent normalcy. Nothing.....and I mean NOTHING, in my past political observations, could have possibly prepared me for the current political climate.

We have obviously reached a  total outer limits, Orwellian, incomprehensible state of affairs that is so unrecognizable, that we find our head spinning day after day, and every conventional process that was accepted one year ago, is simply gone. We have reached an unbelievable new low in American politics just today where the President of the United States has a personal attorney in the form of Rudy Giuliani who just said (in front of several hundred million people) that “ truth isn’t truth” .....Really...What the Fuck.....really “ truth is not the truth”..did that man, who was once the Mayor of New York City and Federal Prosecutor for the southern dist. of NY just say that ????

At a time 4, 6, 8 and maybe a dozen years ago, I may have been naive, I may have been spot-on, but ether way, my opinion that most Americans lay in the political mid-land, and that the best solution to our gridlock and divisiveness was a moderate “ middle of the road” third political party is simply no longer the case. At this point the only way to survive as a Democracy as we currently know and understand it, is to remove the current President from power as soon as possible.

There may be no presentient with which to execute the removal of a President who clearly presents a  danger to our very existence as a functioning free democracy, however there has also never been the acute abuse of power and lack of congressional oversight in the history of the USA. We are laterally swimming in uncharted waters here folks. There is no limit to the current POTUS’s hubris, unethical behavior, and abuse of power, and he is not inclined or incentivized to change hid behavior any time soon.....so; my “middle of the road”, “ reach across the aisle” sit around the campfire and sing Kumbiaha attitude is no longer applicable. 
It is actually time to reject all the previous Geno “Common Sense Party” philosophy that I was spouting 6 years ago, and realize this president is fucking insane and totally off the rails.

There is no good end to this. However, the only acceptable end that does not present total fucking disaster and loss of free representative government as we know it, is an instant removal of our POTUS and complete repudiation of the illegal, immoral, dishonest, racist and mean spirited attitude and philosophy with which he operates.
The Republican Party ( which I often supported a scant dozen years ago) has lost any credibility and moral relevancy. There is quite simply no other choice but to support the a Democratic Party (as much as it pains me to deviate from my “common sense party” philosophy). There is simply no other way to check the aspirations of Donald Trump to become a totalitarian dictator... He known no humility. He knows no honesty. He knows no integrity or dignity. He knows no humanity or compassion....all he knows is self service, self grandiosity, self centered ness to the extreme. 

I know that I was wrong in my naive believe that a centrist approach could have been successful as has been proven by the inexplicable support of Trump by a preponderance of mis and ill informed people. I can only hope that, for the sake of democracy, that we all educate ourselves to the facts and the truth.....because, yes Rudy...facts do matter and the truth is in fact THE TRUTH...

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