Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Day The Oil Stopped Burning: Chapter 2, D.C. A visit from afar

Chapter 2:

Ron Smith was in the office of The Environmental Alliance Group (EAG) at the corner of K street and Capitol in Washington D.C. "Where the hell is Saffell" he yelled at ear piercing volume. "Sir, I believe he has taken a leave of absents and headed to someplace in Michigan" answered a twenty two year old intern named Sam Marley. “what the fuck, everybody around here just takes off whenever they feel like it? Gee, did it ever occur to anybody that we have a fucking emergency going on around here? I'm really, really not in the mood to singlehandedly save the whole fucking world at the moment..... Like, maybe I could use a little bit of help....would that be TOO much to ask........would it"?.." Michigan, what the hell is he doing in Michigan? I thought we were through clearing up after those shit head auto industry guys ten years ago? Don't we have all that UAW bull shit out of the way? I thought We finally got Ford, GM, and all the rust belt Japs and Korians on board with new tech years ago. I thought they were all retooled and in full swing with the no Co2 thing"? "I believe you are correct with all that sir, however, I believe Jack is nowhere near the Detroit area", Answered Marley. It had long been assumed by anyone that was not from the mid west that the term "Michigan" meant "Detroit" or at least that south east corner of the state that made up the old industrial rust belt corridor that had churned out millions of cars and trucks during the last one hundred and thirty years. It was beyond the imagination of an east or west coaster that only five percent of Michigan was an industrial waist land and that the rest of the state was really quite nice. In fact, few people realized that the northern half of the state was quite possibly one of the most beautiful places on earth.

“Well, I don't give a shit where he is....get his fucking lazy ass back here! We’ve got a disaster brewing here". "On it sir" Marley barked.

Sam Marley had actually been frantically trying to contact Jack for two days now and he had absolutely no idea how to get in touch with him. Since the turn of the century, the world had become much smaller and flatter and these days if a person wanted to, he could stay in communication just about anywhere. The problem was if someone didn't want to stay in communication they could still go incognito. A lot of the current PE (post egghead) generation as they were known, had location devices implanted as part of a total brain-nerve system enhancement along with nano sized chips for increased data storage, faster computation speed and so on. In the sixteen years since egghead technology introduction, this and other enhancement procedures had become the rage and there were big bucks to be made from the guys who got in on the ground floor. The "location feature" was a big money maker since it was old technology, dirt cheap stuff and an easy sell to parents who were getting their kids enhanced because they would always know where their kids were, and the poor kids couldn't turn it off.

Sam was glad to have avoided that particular unpleasant embarrassment of youth but figured that at the present rate of achievement by the first PE generation kids who were just turning 14, fooling one's parents was going to be child's play..... He chuckled at his own pun and pondered what things would be like in a few short years when everyone under 25 would twice as smart as everyone over 25.

He swung into the office of Jane Keen who was the office manager and always pretended to be just a receptionist and secretary, but who in reality knew more about everything that was going on in their office (and D.C. in general) than almost anyone else. "Hi Jane, know how I can get a hold of Jack". "Not unless he wants you to....boss blowing a gasket?" Jane replied. "What's that mean anyway....blowing a gasket". It occurred to Jane that at twenty two years old, he had been only six years old when the last gas powered internal combustion engine was in general commercial use and that not knowing what a gasket was did not seem that odd. "Oh, just an old fashion way of saying he's throwing a shit fit ".”We'll, if I don't get Jack Saffell back to this office, I'm going to be buried in it".

Sam caught the Metro over to Jack's D.C. Apartment. Jack had a couple of handprints programmed into the security system in case of emergency and Sam's was one of them. Sam had only been with the organization for eight months as an intern but Jack, gifted with super acute perception, found that he could trust Sam, and trust was a rare commodity in the world of politics. Sam had no sooner turned on jacks residential data systems when he sensed a message. It was personalized to Sam's brain frequency and coded so Sam touching his temple made a copy to decipher later. Neuroscience and recent reverse engineering of the human brain had reviled a certain brain wave frequency that was as unique as a human fingerprint. A nano sized microchip had been developed which was implantable into ones temple and could utilize their personal frequency as somewhat of a phone number or email address. This procedure was basically like getting ones ear pierced and was FDA approved at any AT&T, Apple or Verizon retail outlet. Also while not anything like the surgically enhanced, it did add a couple thousand gig memory and boost the regular calculations per second brain capacity by about ten times. It was possible to personalize digital messages as well as communications to someone's personal brain frequency. Basically, people now had everything a smart phone did plus a hundred times more data and storage plus a unique access code in a microscopic chip emplaned in their scull.

Sam entered his apartment and imminently went for his data control station and downloaded Jack's message. "Hey Sammy here is the deal. I had to get outta dodge now man! Sorry I couldn't fill you guys in but there was not much opportunity before I needed to vaminous. I got a visit from some PPPEP types who were not intending to take me dancing if you catch my drift. Anyway, I guess the intention was to make me nervous, but I didn't need my ESP to realize that these guys would just as soon put me in the big sleep as look at me. I figured I had better chill for a while and figure out our next move instead of ending up dead. If you are actually listening to this than the shit must be hitting the fan. Not many people know where I am but if you really have a meltdown going on than you can contact me by using my personal frequency response code and leaving a message, I'll know it's you and I will get a hold of you ASAP". Sam immediately followed Jack's instructions. "Hey Jack, it's Sam, I really need you to call me. Ron is freaking out and the shit is really hitting the fan. I'm not totally up on what's going on, above my pay grade I guess, but Ron wants you here big time."

Ron Smith was Jacks boss at The Environmental Alliance Group which was basically a Washington D.C. think tank that did environmental research and represented various environmental and scientific interests. They had always maintained a strong Government relations department and Jack with his high intelligence and keen instincts had long since proven to be their most valuable asset. Ron was a totally animated over the top kind of guy who pretty much exaggerated everything out of proportion. He also happened to be very smart and extremely good at his job, which basically consisted of making people agree with him. Jack was the antithesis of Ron being of somewhat calm demeanor and they made a killer team. They could play "good cop bad cop" on most any legislator and usually get their way......Or at least walk away with some sort of compromise situation, which was a victory in D.C. terms. Ron was seventy seven years old and had been in the political game in one form or another since he graduated from Harvard law school in 1982. Along the way he had gotten degrees in economics, political science (which he always considered oxymoronic) environmental engineering and an MBA. He had lived in D.C. Since Ronald Reagan was President and knew every single soul in the entire city. Ron was known as a straight shooter and generally played by the rules, however it was universally accepted that you did not want Ron Smith pissed off at you. Jack had accepted a job offer from EAG right out of U of M grad school mostly because of Ron. He had worked in the Reagan administration as an environmental advisor, spent four years on president Clinton's counsel of economic advisors, worked as a political lobbyist for major oil interests and started several major heavy weight D.C. Consulting firms. At the start of the new millennium Ron spent several years involved in research studying the effects of climate change. Considering that Ron's expertise included macro economic and political behavior including environmental impact, this research defiantly got his attention. The more he learned the more concerned he became until finally all his effort and resource became concentrated on the single cause of mitigating the damage he knew was happening as a result of vast carbon dioxide emission. It's not like he cared to play the blame game he just wanted to do whatever was possible to reverse, or at least lesson, the adverse consequences whether environmental, economical, or social. Up until the point that science began to recognize that a combination of burning fossil fuels, industrial scale agriculture, and global deforestation was causing a massive increase in Co2 in the atmosphere there really was no one to blame. After all, mankind had benefitted beyond imagination from the industrial revolution, and large scale agriculture. It is hard to blame a country or regional society for clearing land to produce lumber to sell and promote agriculture. The short term benefits to society in bolstering the economy and feeding it's citizens is hard to argue with, especially when weighted against some -might happen-in the future-supposed disaster- that may or may not happen due to global warming. Ron certainly understood that the blame, if you could call it that, was universal as well as immaterial. The important thing was that what was occurring now, be universal accepted, and that every measure be taken to reverse the process and mitigate the effects. This was where Ron saw plenty of blame and a vast assortment of villains. At the turn of the millennium trillions of dollars were at stake since just about every aspect of the economy of the developed world evolved around fossil fuels. Basically all our energy, transportation, industrial capacity, food production, and construction industries involved humongous consumption (burning) of fossil fuels in the form of coal, natural gas, or one of the various distillates of petroleum. Ron hardly expected these extremely powerful, very rich, and influential interests to just fold up shop and go away in the interest of averting environmental disaster sometime in the future. The irony that he once lobbied for and promoted the interests of the petroleum industry did not go unnoticed to Ron. In the next decade most conservative Republican lawmakers denied the validity of climate change and its disastrous consequences. Even in the beginning of the second decade of twenty first century the political will in the United States to effect any meaningful measures to ward off the eventual disastrous effects of continued Co2 emissions were pretty much nonexistent. In two thousand and ten Ron had formed the Environmental Alliance Group, a think tank for the research, study, and desimination of data involving all aspects of climate change. He started by funding a host of research projects and collecting data on the effects of climate change as well as exploring various alternative energy initiatives. Dr. Charles Watson PHD, a leading scientist and highly recognized expert in the field of climatology and environmental physics at MIT had been trying to increase awareness of the dangers to politicians, media, and the general public for at least ten years. He had followed the work of Ron Smith and when he learned of Ron's new organization he knew he had to be part of it. He had brought a half dozen researchers, scientists, and experts with him and in short order the EAG had become a formidable organization. Along with research and data accumulation they established a strong grass roots advocacy network and lobbying effort for climate change mitigation and other environmental interests. By 2032, The EAG was a global organization with several hundred of the absolute brightest minds in the world on its payroll. Jack had taken the job in late 2025 as a D.C. lobbyist and due to his extraordinary abilities he quickly became very close to Ron and Ron loved him like a son.


By the year 2016 most of the worlds scientific community accepted the fact that Co2 molecules per cubic centimeter in the atmosphere had doubled in the last hundred years and that it was causing a very real green house effect. They also realized that this global green house effect was heating up the planet. Most of the world population, including a preponderance of leaders and politicians from the developed nations agreed on these two things, but that was where the agreement ended. Most scientists believed that the increase in Co2 was man made the overwhelming evidence being polar ice core samples showing that atmospheric Co2 levels had been relatively constant for the past ten thousand years till a hundred years ago when the industrial revolution went into full swing and we burned everything in the ground to keep it going. They also seemed to agree that while no one could predict the ultimate outcome, the overall effect was going to be negative in every respect. The problem was that many political leaders were not on board with these two most important points. The reason of course, was money and lots of it. It was simply not in the U.S. industrial corporate interest to move away from the status quo and most politicians are loth to buck the system when money is involved.


Two thousand and sixteen was a monumental turning point in the history of the human race. On January 1, 2016 the entire world was shocked to learn that an alien intelligence had made its presents known to the leaders of the one hundred and ninety six independent countries in the world. This "first encounter" was was also experienced by the United Nations during its first ever Global Climate Change Conference. The one hundred and ninety three members of the United Nations in 2016 were all in attendance along with over a thousand of the worlds top scientists.


This encounter, while understandably making quite a global splash and pretty much occupying all news media for several weeks, still was not the kind of thing that had been portrayed in science fiction books and movies for years. There had not been the appearance of some "space ship", no big hub-bub over aliens landing, in fact there was very little disruption and the whole thing seemed rather anticlimactic. The "Eggheads" actually referred to themselves as ecohedanosphearic entities. They had literally outgrown their biological surroundings Trillions of years ago and were comprised of information and energy, at least that was the basic explanation within the constricts of our human understanding at the time. Their chosen method of communication with humanity was through human looking holographic entities that behaved and communicated exactly like humans but could materialize or dematerialize as needed. This in it self was an impressive trick and went a great distance in adding to the legitimacy of their message as well as validating that they were what they said they were. Hard to argue with a guy who can disappear and reappear at will. The first contact with them was experienced simultaneously throughout the world by world leaders, scientists, and all the ambassadors, staff and research teams attending the afore mentioned Global Climate Chance Conference and the message was clear.......stop burning fossil fuels! Earth had finally reached a turning point, which if passed, would be catastrophic and irreversible. Humanity had now been discussing climate change and fossil fuel consumption for twenty six years with no real substantive solution or change in behavior. The earths atmosphere simply could not withstand the continued Co2 build up and the negative consequences were creating a feed back loop that was ultamitly going to render earth uninhabitable.

Ron, Dr Watson, and half a dozen representatives from the EAG were attending the Global Climate Change Conference durning the first encounter. Unbeknownst to Ron and his team there was already a world wide freak out going on since at 0:00 GMT before the conference, the eggheads had momentarily interrupted all global government communications with a brief message announcing their intention to make contact with humanity at the afore mentioned conference and with the majority of world leaders at 12:00 GMT which was 08:00 EST in New York City, right when the GCCC was scheduled to commence. Needless to say, the pervious twelve hours had been a mixture of panic, confusion, fear, and anticipation among governments, militaries, and scientific communities around the world. Of course the major world powers, the U.S. included, were having a total, secret, massive melt down because something, somehow had hacked their most secured communication and information systems. Regardless of the message, government agencies, and especially the military, are predisposed to panic when they suspect they are under attack, so at this moment it was fair to say that the world powers were a bit on edge.

No sooner had Ron and his team taken their seats and the conference called to order than a group of three men were introduced at the protium. In hindsight Ron was surprised at how casual it all seemed. It was almost surreal that all the worlds leading diplomats and scientists were sitting and listening to panicking crowds running around utter calamities......just entities beyond our comprehension explaining the solutions to our carbon emissions problems in a calm nonchalant manner at the United Nations Global Climate Change Conference. Ron was equally surprised at his own reaction. The two major thoughts that ran through his head were ....."This is so fucking cool" ....and..."This changes EVERYTHING". The men addressed the conference for less than an hour; the message amounting to a list of bullet points that basically went like this:


* They are ecohedanosphearic entities; a highly evolved spices who's basic evolution started in a manner similar to that of Earth's. They have evolved over a time frame that in earth metrics would be around one hundred and twenty six trillion years.


* They had conducted a "project" six hundreds million years ago. Seeds of biological life as we understand it had been planted on thousands of planets throughout the universe and the resulting evolution of life on earth was one of the outcomes.


* Their intention, and hope was for the evolution of intelligent beings, however they did not intend to micro manage the evolutionary environment, but rather let life evolve and observe the results. , Humans had evolved to a point at which our technological evolution was becoming exponential and we were on the "fast track" to becoming one of the advanced spices and as such, we were being offered the technology required to keep from destroying ourselves.


* They had compiled the information necessary to provide humanity a vast variety of energy technologies and alternatives. Among these were, the abilities to harvest limitless energy from solar, natural molecular movement and spontaneous nuclear fusion with out radiation.


* All of this information which also included hundreds of "gifts" in the form of advancements in biotech, nano tech, chemistry, engineering, physics, biology...both terrestrial and marine (humanity still didn't know anythingabout what was below the surface of the oceans) was available to everyone in the world and was already uploaded on the World Wide Web.


* The final, yet extremely important, point of their message was that in one year, all fossil fuels would become non combustable and thus useless! They had used technology which was simple to them to put into effect a molecular chain reaction that would result in a molecular, irreversible change in the composition of all combustable fossil fuels. Basically, mankind had a year to get it's collective shit together, and scale up the technology that had been gifted to us.


"Holy shit, this is unbelievable" said Ron grasping what an understatement he had just made. "Looks as if we might have some serious work ahead of us. Charlie, what do you think"? "Well, I suppose we should start downloading this tech data and see if anything these guys have for us is in anyway compadable with stuff we have been working on. Might give us a bit of a head start if there's even the least bit of synergy with any of our concepts". Dr Linh Chang followed Dr Watson's comment. "It's possible, of course that these aliens would utilize concepts that are at least within our ability to understand and actually produce. I mean, what's the use of granting us technology that's way to far advanced for us to ever realize". "Good point Linh, sure would be cool if those alien types perfected one of the ideas we've come up with but couldn't make work". Dr Watson was drooling at the thought. Nothing gave him greater joy than validation of one of his theories. "Boy would I love to get to scale up one of our rejected ideas and shove it down the throat of that numb nuts Senator Bates and his ignorant, research wannabe minions". "I'm with you there Chuck, lets get back to the lab and see what we got". Ron was at the wheel of their battery operated suburban and turned to Dan Stout, his head government relations guy at the time and asked. "So Dan, lets suppose for a moment that what we just saw and heard was for real....and let's suppose that this technology there're giving us is the real deal ....and maybe, we can help make it all happen....right...and, well.....any chance we can crack the social conservative hard line and get some support for any of this stuff"." Yea about the time that pigs can fly outta my ass" was Dan's reply. " Well, I guess we'd best get them flying then". Ron had no illusion about the kind of negative repercussions that were about to start reverberating through the global power structure. "Of course you guys realize what the hell is going on here..I mean, this is the biggest god dam game changer in the history of humanity....and even though we all know that we might have just been given the chance to save our planet and help humanity in every conceivable way....a lot of the guys in power are not going to be happy. Lets face it...if there is a way to fuck this up....they'll find it". Dan agreed whole heartily; " Unfortunately Ron, I suspect you are right on the money. I've been working D.C., Moscow, Beijing, London, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Aiyadh, Dubai, and Mexico City for twenty years now, and at least half of the Senators, Congressmen, Administration officials, PMs, Monarchs, Princes, Diplomats, Ambassadors, and Dictators have their hand deep in the proverbial oil cookie jar. It's going to be darn near impossible pull them off that fossil fuel umbilical cord until disaster sets in.....and from what I heard today from those aliens, or whatever the fuck they are, that's just what's gonna happen if every country in the whole dam world doesn't get their shit that is one scary fucking proposition". " let's just see where things are when we get back to the office.. I'm guessing its a shit storm already".


That was 2016, and now sixteen years later there was still a lot of shit brewing. Most of the speculation by Ron, Dan, Dr.s Watson and Chang had proven to be accurate. The Environmental Alliance Group had been useful in the research and product development arena . They also played a role in advocating for the requisite changes in Government policy. Dan Stout had been killed in a plane crash in 2022. Aviation without fossil fuel proved to be a challenge and the era of new technology did witness some negative effects. "Change ain't easy. If it was, we'd be out of a job" was what Ron always said, but losing Dan was pretty hard on him. It turned out that some of the ideas Dr. Watson had conceived in the field of solar energy capture had been amazingly close to the technology that the eggheads had given us. Had they been a bit more lucky and been able to get past proof of concept, they might have made a butt load of money just getting patients on the technology. There was no money to be made on patients since the eggheads had made all their technology universally available, but there was most assuredly money to be made by producing and selling alternative energy sources through the world. Unfortunately, everyone involved in producing energy the old way had less motive to make any change to the status quo; no matter that it be for the better.


Some countries faired better than others. At first the U.S. didn't prove to be too receptive and was slow to embrace the changes required....not only to thrive....but to survive. A vast number of Americans were simply scared. Suddenly realizing that we are not alone in the universe. Suddenly realizing that the higher power in the universe that people referred to as God, had just shown up and granted us a miracle. Suddenly realizing that we had to actually change our behavior and our beliefs. If there is one thing that people are afraid of...its change. It is funny how people of every different religious faith had spent three thousand years trying to convince others of the existence of a universal higher power, based on various books and stories, yet refused to accept that very higher power now that it had made an appearance. As history has shown, U.S. citizens have always been a bit fickle and the progressive majority that had elected the first African American president to his second term were no where to be found in the 2016 elections; replaced it seemed by an extreme social conservative faction who's agenda included a total and unequivocal denile of the appearance and very existence of the alien life form that had visited earth and bestowed upon us the tremendous gifts of clean renewable energy, food production, advancements in every sector of science and medicine, in fact the gift of life itself. Why a society would reject something that was clearly so beneficial is mysterious but then hindsight is twenty twenty. Politicians at every level were beholden to special interest of every kind, all of which had everything to gain from the status quo and everything to lose from progressive change. The lobbying influence of these special interest (especially energy) was overwhelming as was the influence exerted by the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Christian right and every other religious group who stood to lose power.

Congressman Rick Santorum and his running mate Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann had narrowly defeated Secretary Hillary Clinton and running mate Senator Al Franken. Supported by narrow majorities in both House and Senate, President Santorum and Vice President Bachmann were able to pursue their hyper conservative agenda and put the U.S. squarely behind most developed nations in the race to prefect and fully adopt the new energy technologies. At the very least, the U.S. fell four years behind and spent the insuring twelve years playing catch up. One of the eventual results of the four year debacle that best described President Santorum's term was the split of the Republican Party. The American political landscape had become even more divisive, which was hard to imagine after the dysfunctional behavior of the legislative branch of Government over the preceding dozen years. Moderate, centrist republicans and democrats were becoming more and more disenchanted with the extreme, and ideological positions of the far right and left fringes of their respective political parties. This all finally came to a head during the 2020 election when for the first time since 1854, a new viable political party was formed. Actually, it was not so much a "new party" as a division of the two parties that had shared power for one hundred and sixty six years into three parties. The new line up basically went like this: The Party of Traditional American Values (PTAV) was comprised of the neo-con, super social conservative, tea party, religious, types that had no interest in compromise or cooperation with moderate pragmatic republicans much less liberals. The New Democratic Republican Party (DRP) was comprised of members form both parties. Mostly those who thought in practical, pragmatic ways and had been thought of as centrists, which was regarded as a dirty "compromise"... In the "divisive decade". The New Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) was comprised of more left wing Democrats, socialists, and even certain fringes of the Green Party. Of course the Libertarian Party, Communist, Socialist, and Green Parties still existed, but as Mark Twain once stated " there is no truly criminal class in America other than Congress" so even though there were more groups involved, they were still mostly crooks

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